Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our Coaches Phone Numbers

Our Boys (5th thru 8th grades) Basketball coach is Ron Wininger - 857.2221 or 249.1816.
Our girls (jv/V) head coach is Charles Kenney - 849.6001 or 261.6001.
Our boys (jv/V) head coach is Tim Peterson - 892.0277 or 261.4108.

Welcome to our new look!

Dear friends of the Flathead Valley Home School Athletic Association,
Hope you like our new blog look.  I tried to keep it as simple and practical as possible.  If you have any ideas, news, photos, or other pertinent things that you'd like to see placed on this blog, please email it to me -
Or call me anytime - 212.9775

Stay in touch!

Your friend,
Dave Sprunger, A.D.